Saturday, August 27, 2011

Loneliness - the only thing that Hurts the most

Loneliness is just a word for some, a feeling to some, a cry for someone, and a way to get pass time for some. But if we get straight to word LONELINESS, then it would be right to say that it’s a complex and multidimensional phenomenon.
Importantly a basic dimension could be the frequency with which a person feels lonely. It could be trait of some person in certain conditions. Trait loneliness could be more complex.

Loneliness is certainly a universal human emotion and unique to every individual. Many experts say that-“being lonely is not a trait; it’s a perception of being alone and isolated”. Loneliness is strongly connected to genetics. It can be a psychological disorder i.e. depression.

How to overcome LONELINESS (the toughest time to make pass)?
there are several ways simple ways to overcome it, but some of the main from them are:

Always be positive.

Be social and remember that loneliness points out for change.

Stay connected to family, friends, as it keeps you busy.

If you are a animal lover, have some time with them.

If you are religious, then utilize time in that.

Enhancing social support and improving social skills too can be beneficial.

Have faith, love, prayer and the loneliness is not a part of yours.



  1. i too feel abandoned when i am alone. i do the samething that u wrote. nice post

  2. In order to be more creative, one has got to sit and think in a lonely atmosphere. Other times, you don't have to be alone, unless u really love the smell of loneliness.

